Daily Archives: September 3, 2008

Back to Basics: The Three R’s of Debt Reduction

This week, I’ve been thinking a lot about paying off my credit cards!  While it’s a great feeling to have that debt all wiped out, I also want to make sure that I don’t slide back into the same old behaviors.  Over the past six months, I’ve really changed my relationship with money. 

For most of my credit history, I overspent, took out student loans to pay off debt, and overspent again.  It’s a vicious cycle!  Anyone tempted to follow in my footsteps or take out a home equity loan or consolidate credit will probably discover the same can of worms I did.  Each time, I thought that this was absolutely the last time I would need to use loans to pay off my credit cards.  Then, the next semester, I’d be back in the same old spot.  This time, I feel that I’ve actually made some progress with the underlying behaviors that led to my overspending ways. 

by christopher.woo

by christopher.woo


 Now, I want to keep it healthy!  I’ve identified three key concepts that helped me, the three R’s of debt reduction if you will:

  • Reflect
  • Replace
  • Renew

These three verbs enabled me to change my ways and make it through some rough patches.  In this series, I’ll explain each one in more detail, a three-step approach to my new relationship with money.  It wasn’t simple, and it didn’t happen overnight.  However, it did happen, and faster than I thought it would!  Check in tomorrow to see how important some serious reflection is for successful debt reduction.  Any other R’s come to mind?